If you are a business or a crafter who has your own clients and just need a space to host, you can rent The Art Room for $100 for 3 hours* including set-up and break-down or $225* for the day. The space has seating for approximately 20-24 ppl. You must pay when you reserve the space (before your event takes place).

You don't have to be an "expert" or a paid professional to teach people new skills. You just need knowledge, enthusiasm, patience and a little bravery! When you teach a workshop, you provide the materials & we provide the space. The Art Room will advertise your event on our website & social media but expect you to promote your event to get guests in the door. You can rent the space upfront for $100 or after your event, you can pay the art room 25% of the registration fees. (Ex: If the cost of your workshop is $40, $10 goes to the art room/ $30 goes to you.) 

If you are a crafter who would like to partner with The Art Room to teach your skill to the community, email Hello@theartroomcincinnati.com so we can plan your workshop.